Education for a healthier lifestyle…

  • Aging Workforce

    Profound changes continue to unfold in the American workforce as Baby Boomers—Americans born between 1945 and 1964—swell the ranks of our workplaces.

  • Apathy

    Employees who demonstrate apathy at work may do so because daily tasks are not fulfilling, the environment lends itself to disinterest, management does not set goals, or employee performance goes unnoticed.

  • Stress

    Everyone experiences stress at times, and it is a natural reaction to life experiences. Stress can result from everyday responsibilities at work at home, serious life events, war, or a loved one's death.

  • Boredom

    A monotonous environment lacks stimuli, and an individual's reaction to monotony is called boredom. Boredom is a complex mental state characterized by symptoms of decreased activation of the higher nervous center, with accompanying feelings of weariness, lethargy, and diminished alertness. 

  • Driving

    The goal of the ergonomics of driving is to fit the car to maximize the natural ability of the body to move and respond to physical stress. Proper ergonomics minimizes exposures to risk factors that may result in injury or illness.

  • Breathing

    Incorrect breathing patterns will likely interfere with normal bodily functions, Without knowing it, improper breathing might interrupt sleep, mood, digestion, heart, nervous system, muscles, brain, and even teeth and face structure development.

  • Sight

    From seeing a Technicolor sunset to steering your car home safely at night, eyes have an important job. Here’s how to keep them healthy.

  • Hydration

    From the moment you were born until the day that you die, the battle begins to remain sufficiently hydrated to sustain your optimal vitality, wellness, and good health.

  • In Working Order

    Optimizing performance and comfort in tomorrow’s workplace. Available on Amazon